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What Are the Applications of LED Downlights in Homes and Businesses?

LED downlight, also known as can lights or recessed lights, is embedded into the ceiling to become a seamless accessory in any room. While you might be fond of this sleek look, you may not know all of the factors that contribute to creating perfect lighting in your home or business.

Where Should I Put LED Downlights?

LED downlights are a great option for large rooms and/or rooms with low ceilings. Recessed lights blend in with the ceiling, so they will not use as much space as traditional hanging light fixtures.

Lights can be spaced evenly throughout a room, and since they are recessed, they are discreet enough that you can install more fixtures than you otherwise would. This means that light can reach all corners of the room.

How Do I Install an LED Downlight?

LED downlights require you to insert holes in the ceiling to install a new light fixture, or you can retrofit a preexisting ceiling lighting fixture.

You will most likely require a new junction box if you do not already have one in the area you want to install the recessed lighting fixtures. A junction box is placed in the ceiling above the light fixture and contains electric wires and cables necessary to connect the light to the main power source of the building.

Architecture and building regulations vary, so you must check your downlight’s Insulation Contact (IC) rating to ensure that it is compatible with the type of insulation used in your home or business.

If you still need help, try reading our blog on recessed lighting installation!

Do I Need a Special Downlight for Showers and Outdoor Areas?



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