Farmers Question ファーマーズクエスション

回答受付終了 yy781218948 の概要

登録期間: 2 年 (2022 2/21 ~)
タイプ: 登録ユーザー
プロフィール: Paper bags have been part of trade and commerce for more than centuries. Traditionally cloth and jute bags were used to pack goods in larger quantities during its transfer from manufacturer or farms to retailers and shopkeepers then used the paper bags to distribute smaller quantity goods to end customers. In fact, paper bags are still used by small food retailers like – sweetshop owners, street food vendors, bakers and by small vegetable sellers.

On the other hand, a paper bag’s structural firmness and surface feature made it ideal to print high-quality images, logo, designs better as compared to a plastic bag, and that made paper bags a hit for fashion, luxury and premium gift packaging industry.

yy781218948 の活動状況

貢献度: 100 ポイント (42位)
質問数: 0
回答数: 0
コメント数: 0
支持対象: 0 質問, 0 回答
支持した回数: 支持 0, 不支持 0
支持された回数: 支持 0, 不支持 0